Heart rate is the number of heartbeats per unit of time, usually in beats per minute (BPM). The heart pumps blood throughout the body in blood vessels delivering oxygen and nutrients to the organs (such as the brain and muscles) so they can function properly. Blood carries carbon dioxide and waste out of the organs.

Form a hypothesis based on this question:

What will the heart rate do in these conditions and why? (beat slower, faster or stay the same?):

  • Sitting/resting
  • Walking
  • Jogging
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Squat Jumps

1. Watch the Resting Heart Rate Demo.

  1. Have students practice taking their pulse on their wrists (the radial pulse). For the first time, take it for 60 seconds. This is the resting heart rate.
  2. Next, have the students take their resting pulse for 30 seconds. Ask them how they might get a resting heart rate from this number? Multiplication of course! Multiply the number x 2 to get a resting pulse in beats per minute.
[For younger students who have not yet been introduced to multiplication, take pulses for 60 seconds.]
  • They can also try checking their pulse for 15 seconds. Repeat the question. Multiple the number x 4 to get a resting pulse in beats per minute.
  • Have students jot down their resting heart rate on a piece of paper.
  • Once they have mastered measuring their Resting Heart Rate, then move on to the exercise component.
  • **Note, students should be healthy enough to participate in this activity. If a child is unable to participate in Physical Education classes for health reasons, they should not participate in this activity. They can still make a bar graph using another student’s heart rates.

    **Make sure that students have plenty of space to do these exercises.

    Now let’s start the exercises!

    2. Show students the Exercise Heart Rate- Walking Have students walk in place for a set amount of time (approximately 10 seconds). Have students jot down their Walking in Place heart rate.

    3. Show students the Exercise Heart Rate- Jogging Have students jog in place for a set amount of time (approximately 10 seconds). Have students jot down their Jogging in Place heart rate.

    4. Show students the Exercise Heart Rate- Jumping Jacks Have students do jumping jacks for a set amount of time (approximately 10 seconds). Have students jot down their Jumping Jacks heart rate.

    5. Show students the Exercise Heart Rate- Squat Jumps Have students do squat jumps for a set amount of time (approximately 10 seconds). Have students jot down their Squat Jumps heart rate.

    6. Using the 5 data points collected above, have student plot their heart rates on a bar graph. The exercise type (Resting, Walking, Jogging, Jumping Jacks, Squat Jumps) comprise the X-axis and the Heart Rate (BPM) comprise the Y-axis.

    Was their hypothesis correct?

    How can they use their data points and bar graphs to support their conclusions?